Lindsay Lohan sexy picture Hollywood actress

Lindsay Dee Lohan was born in New York City on 2 July 1986 to Dina Lohan and Michael Lohan. She began her career at age three as a model at the Eileen Ford Agency. She made her acting debut in 1996 as the third actress to play Ali Fowler in the television drama "Another World" (1964). Shortly afterward she was hand-picked by Oscar-nominated writer Nancy Meyers as estranged twin sisters in an adaptation by Walt Disney Pictures of a novel by Erich Kästner, which marked Meyers' directorial debut. Lohan's first feature film, The Parent Trap (1998), a remake of The Parent Trap (1961), was a modest commercial success, earning her widespread critical acclaim and a Young Artist award for Best Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film, as well as Blockbuster Entertainment and YoungStar award nominations.


Top 5 Actress in Hollywood Jessica Alba Hot Wallpapers

Jessica Alba expressed interest in acting since the age of five years. In 1992, Alba 11 years old, convinced his mother to take her to a contest action in Beverly Hills, California, whose grand prize was free acting classes. She won the grand prize, and took her first acting lessons. An agent signed Jessica Alba nine months later. His first film appearance was a small role in the 1994 feature Camp Nowhere as Gail. She was originally hired for two weeks but her role turned into a two-month job in a leading role in one of the prominent actresses dropped.


Most Beautiful and Sexy Hollywood Actress Kim Kardashian Hairstyle: Sexy Photoes Gallery

Kim Kardashian was born in Los Angeles on October 21, 1980 and the defense attorney Robert Kardashian, who is perhaps best known for his defense of OJ Simpson. Robert Kardashian was Armenian and Kim Kardashian describes his childhood as full of celebrations of Armenia, food and stories. Kim's mother Kris Jenner is nee Houghton. She has two sisters and a brother, Kourtney, KLOE, and Robert, and a number of brothers and sisters, Burton, Brandon, Brody Jenner, and Casey and two half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

She is known in part for their store, and the series of designer fragrances and clothing launched with the name Kardashian and approval. Kim has appeared in more than holidays. Then he starred in the spoof film Disaster Movie.



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